2011年1月11日 星期二

2011年1月阅读推荐《鱼儿别上钩》、《Home to the Prairie》、《The Chronicles of Narnia》

20111   每月阅读推荐3

        名: 鱼儿别上钩   
                               揭开基督徒生活挣扎的12  个迷思》

       者:亨利-克劳德博士及约翰-汤森德博士(Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend)两位作者都是知名的演说家及美国家喻户晓的心理顾问广播节目 新生命 New Life 的主持人。并在加州新港滩市(Newport Beach)执业心理医师。两人合作著作,包括销售近百万册并获Gold Medallion奖的过犹不及 Boundaries及畅销书How People Grow 等。(中文译者:卓宜娟 姐妹)

内容简介:误导的‘教条’与似是而非的观念, 让基督徒在日常生活中得不着真正的释放,也掩盖了神的心意。 本书两位具有神学及心理临床背景的作者对这些‘教条’及‘观念’,以及神的话及深刻的剖析加以探讨。

        本书整合了圣经与心理学,平衡了基督徒信仰与生活,且兼顾到学理的根据与实务的应用,是每一位基督徒、教牧、主日学老师、团契、辅导及 为人父母者应读的好书,值得郑重及广泛推荐。
鱼儿别上钩   揭开基督徒生活挣扎的12  个迷思》

误导 1       照顾自己的需要是自私的
误导 2       若是我够属灵,我就不会痛苦或犯罪
误导 3       若是我改变行为,在灵性上及情绪上都会
误导 4       我只需要把它交给神就好了
误导 5       有一天我将会完全复原
误导 6       忘掉过去
误导 7       如果我有神,就不需要他人了
误导 8       我‘应该’这样,‘应当’那样
误导 9       内疚和羞愧于我有益
误导 10     若是我选择对了,就会有属灵的长进
误导 11    ‘做’对的事情比‘为什么做’更为重要
误导 12     若是我知道真理,我就会成长


20111   每月阅读推荐2

Book Name: Home to the prairie

Summary :
       It is a novel and the fourth book in the Days Of Laura Ingalls Wilder. When Pa comes back to visit the farm in Missouri, he and Laura have so much fun reminiscing about the old days that they decide to set out in search of their old homestead, and on the way they relive many of the special memories of their past.

About the Author :
       Thomas L. Tedrow is an author, screenwriter, film producer, and venture capitalist the Prairie Laura Ingalls Wilder. Another series he has written was The Younguns. He also wrote an accurate eye-opening book on Senator Ted Kennedy's scandal called Death at Chappaquiddick. He resides in Winter Park, Florida with his wife Carla and four children.       His other books include:Missouri Homestead》,Children of Promise》,Good Neighbors》,   The World’s Fair》, Mountain Miracle》, The Great Debate》, Land of Promise

本书推荐者: April  Jia

20111   每月阅读推荐1

Book Name:The Chronicles of Narnia:
                The Horse and His Boy

Summary :
  Narnia…where horses talk and hermits like company, where evil men turn into donkeys, where boys go into battle…and where adventure begins.
  During the Golden Age of Narnia, when Peter is High King, a boy named Shasta discovers he is not the son of Arsheesh, the Calormene fisherman, and decides to run far away to the North—to Narnia. When he is mistaken for another runaway, Shasta is led to discover who he really is and even finds his real father.

About the Author:
  Clive Staples Lewis (29 November 1898 – 22 November 1963), commonly referred to as C. S. Lewis and known to his friends and family as "Jack", was an Irish-born British novelist, academic, medievalist, literary critic, essayist, lay theologian and Christian apologist. He is well known for his fictional work, especially The Screwtape Letters, The Chronicles of Narnia and The Space Trilogy.

本书推荐者:Rachel  Au